
Insert null values

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Sorry for the silly question, I need to use execute_named() to execute an insert where some of the named fields must have a null value, can anybody show an example?

kubo commented

Use Option<ToSql>.

let mut stmt = conn
    .statement("insert into employees values (:name, :salary)")

stmt.execute_named(&[("name", &"Allen"), ("salary", &None::<i32>)])?;

let employees: [(&str, Option<i32>); 3] = [
    ("Jones", Some(7566)),
    ("Martin", Some(7654)),
    ("Blake", None),
for emp in &employees {
    stmt.execute_named(&[("name", &emp.0), ("salary", &emp.1)])?;

Ok, thanks, should the type always match the column type when setting null values?
Suppose I have a table like this:
CREATE TABLE test (id INT PRIMARY KEY, ival INT, sval VARCHAR(100));

If I need to set ival and sval as null do I need to set the Option type as i32 and str like this?

let mut stmt = conn
    .statement("insert into test (id, ival, sval) values (:id, :ival, :sval)")

stmt.execute_named(&[("id", &1), ("ival", &None::<i32>), ("sval", &None::<str>)])?;

Are columns types checked?

kubo commented

Ok, thanks, should the type always match the column type when setting null values?

Not always. For column types (number, date, timestamp, interval, ...) supporting implicit type conversion from string, &None::<&str> is available. For other column types (object, collection), the type must match the column type.