
Nested matchers are not necessarily applied to the same found element

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Given Rails view application/broken.html:

<div class="broken">
<div class="broken">
<div class="broken">

Following test will pass:

require "rails_helper"

RSpec.describe "application/broken" do

  before do

  it "is broken" do
    rendered.should have_tag ".broken", text: /text/ do
      with_tag "span"
      with_tag "a"


As you can see, there is no element which matches all these conditions simultaneously:

  1. .broken with text matching /text/
  2. .broken span
  3. .broken a

Is it a bug or desired behaviour? If the former, I think I can fix it and send a pull request.

+1 as a bug


 <foo />
 <bar />
 <foo />
 <bar />

The following 'count' fails:

expect(rendered).to have_tag('div', count: 1) do
  with_tag 'foo'
  with_tag 'bar'

It matches three div's when it should only match one based on the nested conditions.

Or am I doing it wrong?

@kucaahbe this PR is open since 2015 ! See also #58 related

The thing I hate the most about open-source is to see great repositories rotting because the owner has just gave up on it. Seriously, your reasons may be personal, professional, health related or what, but when you publish and maintain open-source code for people to use it you automatically have a responsibility to maintain it, simply because people are using it.

So stop ignoring email, and fix the issues. Make time for it, or find someone serious to succeed it.

@randoum totally agree with you! I'm reading issues and PRs all the time, but unfortunately in most cases just have no time to address issues, hope will be able to get to this and related bugs tomorrow or kind off. My apologies to all the people having issues

@cbernaut would you mind to check #59 and see if your issues are fixed ?

@cbernaut forget about the spec, I just had a closer look at your case and I misunderstood what you was trying to do.

You are using the block to trim down what is expected to be found, rspec-html-matchers does not work like this. The first line of your spec expect(rendered).to have_tag('div', count: 1) will fail because 3 are found. You should write

expect(rendered).to have_tag 'div', count: 3
expect(rendered).to have_tag 'div' do
  with_tag 'foo'
  with_tag 'bar'
expect(rendered).to have_tag 'div' do
  with_tag 'foo'
  without_tag 'bar'
expect(rendered).to have_tag 'div' do
  without_tag 'foo'
  with_tag 'bar'

Bottom line, this is not a bug, it's by design