Closed this issue · 5 comments
- offer to Tour guide
- Employee Home page "available hotels" buttons doesn't work
- Employee home page: remove random numbers between buttons
- Rename the navbar items
- employee/details.php navbar
- admin pages for the "report"
@MuhammedCanKucukaslan and @MustafaYasirAltunhan
- create a hotel and a room for it (2-3 rooms)
- create a tour and offer/assign a tour guide for it, also create several activities (2 basic, and 2 extra)
- login as a tour guide and accept it
@Ahmet-Salman and @guvengergerli - login in as a customer
- showcase that you can cancel pending tours
- reserve a flight
- reserve 2 hotel booking
- reserve a tour
- show profile
@MuhammedCanKucukaslan and @MustafaYasirAltunhan - accept a hotel booking, reject the other
- accept the user's tour request
@Ahmet-Salman and @guvengergerli - login in as a customer, show the accepted/rejected requests
- in the tour details, reserve an extra activity and showcase that it can be canceled
- go to past tours and show the tour guide profile
- rate it and show that the button disappears after rating
He will probably ask things about these
We should not forget to mention/show them.
@Ahmet-Salman & guven
- Secondary indices
- At least one search GUI including range
conditions (e.g., between dates, between
weights of products, etc.) and flexible
conditions for example queries with LIKE,
@MuhammedCanKucukaslan && @MustafaYasirAltunhan
- Advanced features (storedprocedure, view)
- At least 2 reports with a complex query
(including GROUP BY, MAX, MIN, nested
queries) and a nicely formatted output
For the secondary indices, should I open the PhpMyAdmin page and show him?
We put the secondary index on the airport, right?
@Ahmet-Salman showing "phpmyadmin" might be a bad idea.
I made the "email" columns of thecustomer, employee and guide indices. We can mention it and say "we use e-mail for login, it is important for efficience etc."
sample quert to add an index: ALTER TABLE
employeeADD INDEX( email);
Okay so we just have to mention it, I will do it in the beginning