Video preview
kudlav opened this issue · 8 comments
When can you release this preview function?
Hi, I don't have much time at the moment, so probably on February I would be able to continue with this project.
Today, I found out good idea and implemented.
My criteria is below:
- load videos according to segment data of timeline. (of course in and out fields can't be used when load video)
- when frame changed, it will change the seek of every videos with some finetune of relative frame index.
Here every video have start/end frame, in/out frame. - If current frame are matched with a certain video, it will draw that video to canvas(preview).
This month was already working on client side preview. There are two ways how to achieve it - using HTML5 Video API [1] or using Canvas [2].
- With Canvas you have absolute control what the user will see but FPS is too low and it doesn't look smooth.
- With HTML5 element and Javascript API the video is playing fine but it is hard to synchronize video with actual time (maybe impossible). You can look at and try dev branch. Work fine with Safari browser but is bad with Vivaldi (when play button is pressed, video doesn't play immediatelly and video lagging a lot when playing - it is issue of Vivaldi but it affects preview a lot). Hope there will be event listeners for those loading and buffering events but if not, I will have to try Canvas version.
[1] -
[2] -
Yeah, I used canvas to draw video.
But as you can guess, the synchronization is critical problem.
Cool project @kudlav, but are there any successes in preview?
Maybe preliminary transcoding will make it possible to make video proxies small and in the required format?
Are there fewer synchronization problems if you do single-line editing?
@kudlav have you had any success in preview? I need this product absolutely.
I've tried something in dev branch, but I don't have time for this project now. And I am unable to promise anything. But it's definitelly the most important thing, preview, translations, and probably migration to websockets.