It's really nice lib , but 1 question
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I don't know how to manage my clients
any example for manage client ? like I wanna notice 1 client some message , I wanna server push to client , and I wirte some code , it's little stupid , want better solution
this.websocket.send('waiting for verify data');
//message format : cmd|arg
//need save this.websocket here
var socket = this.websocket
this.websocket.on('message', function(message) {
var vec_str = message.split('|');
var cmd = vec_str[0];
var arg = vec_str[1];
var argobj = JSON.parse(arg);
case 'verify':{
var username = argobj.user;
var password = argobj.password;
//test code
var exampleShop = shopData[0];
var exampleShopObj = exampleShop.toObject();
exampleShopObj.websocket = socket ;
onlineStoreManager.addStore(exampleShop._id , exampleShopObj);
onlineStoreManager.sendMessage(exampleShop._id,"login sucess");
first time use websocket , I don't know how to manage client
Your question is a little unclear, does the code above work? If not, what error do you see? If it does, are you just looking for advice on better usage?
Hm..your code is ok , no error , but I have little question about usage , I wanna push message to a client which is already connected, but I do now know how to find the client
I see what you mean. Each open websocket stays active within the code block you pasted above, so you don't need to wrap it for user management.
Here's a quick rewrite with some changes I would make.
function socket() {
this.websocket.send('waiting for verify data');
// use JSON as the encapsulating message format
// message format : {cmd: cmd, arg: arg}
this.websocket.on('message', function(message) {
var parsedMessage = JSON.parse(message);
var cmd = parsedMessage.cmd;
var arg = parsedMessage.arg;
switch (cmd) {
case 'verify':
var username = argobj.user;
var password = argobj.password;
//test code
var exampleShop = shopData[0];
var exampleShopObj = exampleShop.toObject();
// I'm not sure what this does, but maybe you don't need it now
onlineStoreManager.addStore(exampleShop._id, exampleShopObj);
// `this.websocket` still refers to the connection just opened
// new connections get their own context
this.websocket.send("login sucess");
}.bind(this)); // bind `this` to new scope so we don't need to reassign
Can I push [this.websocket] to some array to manage? Because I need broadcast sometime and send single message without [on message], like one client talk to other client situation
And I am not really understood what's meaning "bind(this)"
I see bind meaning , cause it in on message scope , bind is tell that scope belong father scope :)
Thanks , I use
can make I want !
I just want keep this.websockt to somewhere and when I want to call it