
Cannot build dojo using dojo: ./tasks: line 45: dojo: command not found

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I tried the golang example on the README:

git clone https://github.com/kudulab/dojo.git
cd dojo
dojo -c Dojofile.build "./tasks build"

it fails with the following output:

2024/03/06 08:41:27 [ 1]  INFO: (main.main) Dojo version 0.11.0
2024/03/06 08:41:27 [ 7]  INFO: (main.DockerDriver.HandleRun) docker command will be:
 docker run --rm -v /Users/cnorris/dojo/examples/dojo:/dojo/work -v /Users/cnorris:/dojo/identity:ro -v /tmp/dojo-environment-multiline-dojo-dojo-2024-03-06_08-41-27-3653856:/etc/dojo.d/variables/00-multiline-vars.sh -v /tmp/dojo-environment-bash-functions-dojo-dojo-2024-03-06_08-41-27-3653856:/etc/dojo.d/variables/01-bash-functions.sh --env-file=/tmp/dojo-environment-dojo-dojo-2024-03-06_08-41-27-3653856 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --security-opt seccomp:unconfined -ti --name=dojo-dojo-2024-03-06_08-41-27-3653856 kudulab/golang-dojo:2.1.1 "./tasks build"
06-03-2024 13:41:29 Dojo entrypoint info: Sourcing: /etc/dojo.d/variables/50-variables.sh
06-03-2024 13:41:29 Dojo entrypoint info: Running: /etc/dojo.d/scripts/01-fail-fast.sh
06-03-2024 13:41:29 Dojo entrypoint info: Running: /etc/dojo.d/scripts/20-setup-identity.sh
06-03-2024 13:41:29 Dojo entrypoint info: Running: /etc/dojo.d/scripts/50-fix-uid-gid.sh
+ usermod -u 501 dojo
+ groupmod -g 20 dojo
groupmod: GID '20' already exists
+ chown 501:20 -R /home/dojo
+ [[ '' != \s\i\l\e\n\t ]]
+ [[ '' != \e\r\r\o\r ]]
+ [[ '' != \w\a\r\n ]]
+ set +x
06-03-2024 13:41:29 Dojo entrypoint info: Running: /etc/dojo.d/scripts/90-run-user.sh
06-03-2024 13:41:29 Dojo entrypoint info: dojo init finished (interactive shell)
./tasks: line 45: dojo: command not found
$ cat Dojofile.build 
DOJO_DOCKER_OPTIONS="--security-opt seccomp:unconfined"
$ dojo --version
2024/03/07 07:51:06 [ 1]  INFO: (main.main) Dojo version 0.11.0
docker --version
Docker version 24.0.7, build afdd53b4e3
$ uname -srvmp
Darwin 20.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 20.6.0: Thu Jul  6 22:12:47 PDT 2023; root:xnu-7195.141.49.702.12~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 i386
xmik commented

Hi @pybeaudouin, thanks for letting me know about this!
It's a typo in the docs, it should be either (and please note the underscore):

dojo -c Dojofile.build "./tasks _build"

or just

./tasks build

Sorry about that. Feel free to add a PR to fix the docs, if you'd like.