
Version mismatch due to setuptools cutting trailing zeros?

Closed this issue · 2 comments


This is very minor, but I noticed it yesterday when it was relevant for a project I was working on.

I noticed that the metadata version from pip does not have the trailing zero on the minor. E.g., pip will report 2022.9.5, while rdkit.__version__ reports 2022.09.5.

From what I see on your setup.py, the version metadata does not seem to have any bug, so my current idea is that setuptools is cutting the trailing zero. Any other idea?

PEP 440 defines the version identification for python packages. You are right that setuptools automatically normalizes the version identification.

Check for example:

UserWarning: Normalizing '2022.09.5' to '2022.9.5'

Nothing I can do here. RDKit's versioning scheme would need to be changed.


Makes sense, thanks for the quick answer @kuelumbus :)