
CI build fails on alpine

melezhik opened this issue · 4 comments


Here is the report - http://sparrowhub.io:2222/report/345

23:39:09 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: ===> Testing: Term::Choose:ver<1.7.7>
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: Aborting due to test failure: Term::Choose:ver<1.7.7> (use --force-test to override)
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: [Term::Choose] t/01-basic.t ......... ok
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: [Term::Choose] t/02-basic.t ......... ok
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: [Term::Choose] t/03.meta.t .......... ok
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: [Term::Choose] t/05.pod-coverage.t .. ok
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: [Term::Choose] t/20-arguments.t ..... ok
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: [Term::Choose] t/tput.t ............. Dubious, test returned 9
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: [Term::Choose] Failed 9/9 subtests
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: [Term::Choose]
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: [Term::Choose] Test Summary Report
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: [Term::Choose] -------------------
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: [Term::Choose] t/tput.t (Wstat: 2304 Tests: 9 Failed: 9)
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: [Term::Choose] Failed tests: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: [Term::Choose] Non-zero exit status: 9
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: [Term::Choose] Files=6, Tests=268, 20 wallclock secs
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: [Term::Choose] Result: FAILED
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: ===> Testing [FAIL]: Term::Choose:ver<1.7.7>
23:39:30 05/01/2022 [bash: run tests] :: task exit status: 1


There is now a new version (1.7.8).
Could you retry it with the new version.

for the future you may set up this repo in SparkyCI and track builds there for new commits

Thanks, I'll take a look.