
A way to reduce controller clutter

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Action Controllers

Getting Started

  1. Create folders in your Controllers directory. The last part of the namespace (folder name) will represent the Controller name (by default).

  2. The name of the class is the action (by default).

  3. The method names will match the HTTP method that was used to request the resource (similar to webapi).

  4. Configure where to find your actions and how to resolve them.


Controller Action Setup

Basic Setup

    protected void Application_Start()
        ActionControllers.Setup(x => x.FindActionsFromCurrentAssembly());

Advanced Setup (using Structuremap as the IOC container)

    protected void Application_Start()
        ActionControllers.Setup(x => {
            x.UsingNamingConventions(new DefaultNamingConventions());

Controller Example

    namespace Example.Controllers.Home
        public class Index : ActionController
            public ActionResult Get()
                ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to ActionControllers";
                return View();

            public ActionResult Post(string q)
                return RedirectToGet();