
Running gen_mini_batches.py error

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/preprocessing/gen_mini_batches.py", line 199, in
File "scripts/preprocessing/gen_mini_batches.py", line 188, in main
File "scripts/preprocessing/gen_mini_batches.py", line 68, in split_work
do_preprocessing(dataset, indices)
File "scripts/preprocessing/gen_mini_batches.py", line 17, in do_preprocessing
File "/home/scw4750/087/avod/avod/core/mini_batch_utils.py", line 97, in preprocess_rpn_mini_batches
File "/home/scw4750/087/avod/avod/core/mini_batch_preprocessor.py", line 238, in preprocess
File "/home/scw4750/087/avod/avod/datasets/kitti/kitti_utils.py", line 255, in create_sliced_voxel_grid_2d
File "/home/scw4750/087/avod/wavedata/wavedata/tools/core/voxel_grid_2d.py", line 102, in voxelize_2d
IndexError: index -1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
13 / 2: 13902 anchors, 1732 iou > 0.0, for 5 Car(s) for sample 000217
1 / 2: Sample already preprocessed
Mini batches generated
All Done (Parallel)

I have placed the dataset correctly , but met this problem when I run gen_mini_batches.py. How can I solve it?Thank you very much!

I also met this problem. Have you solved this problem yet?

me too

The same problem. Anybody solved it?

I solved this problem. I printed the point cloud variable and found it was empty, and I also found some files in the "/avod/data/mini_batches/iou_2d/kitti/train/lidar/Car[ 0.5]" weren't generated. So I checked the code and it told me one file in the "~/Kitti/object/training/velodyne" is broken. Therefore, I extracted the /velodyne again. The problem is solved. I think that might help you guys. Good luck!