
For the University of Sydney Psychology department - an example of JS Psych framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Assumptions and Questions

  • When two butterflies are on the screen does the child have to touch ONE up to five times in a row or both a total number of five (assuming a RANDOM number of 5 is chosen)
  • it's ok to have controls if it is being used on an ipad otherwise the video won't work https://developer.apple.com/library/safari/documentation/AudioVideo/Conceptual/Using_HTML5_Audio_Video/Device-SpecificConsiderations/Device-SpecificConsiderations.html
  • is it cool for the
  • "The video display appears, and the three video clips from one of the two car- toon series/movies repeat four times with a 3-s interval between clips. Which show/movie is randomly chosen. " < - what does this mean? - so we have three vids from either finding Nemo or Frozen. Do the 3 cycle through 4 times, does each repeat 4 times before moving to the next one or do we randomly select from the videos?
  • "Post-devaluation extinction test" " both response areas become deactivated, so that touch responses do not cause any video" - do the butterflies still move? I assume no.

#To do

  • build test framework
  • Check Application cache manifest deprication - service worker


  • Fix times for sessions
  • Explain hierarchy - phase, trials, events
  • put the correct referral IP in google API manager
  • reinsert cache attribute

#Experiment Description It is a touch screen task where children just touch one of two different images on the left or right, and then the images disappear and some little video-cartoon plays in the middle of the screen depending on which image was touched. For now, just find whatever 11 second clips on the internet of that can be replaced with other animation-video files once I get that right videos worked out. But work out the structure of how to display them, etc.

The two images are a red butterfly and a green butterfly. (or two other colors, whatever). One appears on the right and one on the left. This should be randomized for each child so that after 50 kids do this, there will be a roughly even split between who saw the red one on the right and who on the left.

We need 6 11 second cartoon clips. 3 from one show/movie. 3 from another. Touching one of the two butterflies will always lead to a video being shown from the same movie/show (e.g., the red butterfly will always be from Finding Nemo and the green butterfly will always be from Frozen. Assigned randomly for each kid), but which of the three clips from the movie/show is played is random. To be clear, the randomization is between children. For each individual child/ run of the experiment, there needs to be a consistency where the red or green butterfly always appears on their respective side, and the cartoons assigned to the red or green butterfly stays with that red or green butterfly throughout the experiment (respectively). Between children it’s randomized so that any particular finding isn’t because of some arbitrary association between greenness and cartoon B and the left side of the screen, but it needs to be consistent for each child so they can learn what side is associated with which cartoon. Make sense?

The background of the screen is grey unless otherwise noted.

The experimental sequence: Warm-up phase: 2 trials where only the right hand butterfly appears. After each touch, the video plays. 2 trials where only the left butterfly appears. After each touch, the video plays.

Single-action phase. Part A. Then there are 8 more trials like this, but with this pseudo-random sequence: RLRRLLRL Single action phase Part B. Then there are 8 more trials with this sequence: LRRLRLLR But for these 8 trials, it should take between 1 and 5 touches (vary randomly for each trial) for the video to play. Choice phase. Then there is a 7 minute block where both butterflies on displayed on the screen and the child can freely touch as much as they want and the corresponding videos will play. During this time, it should vary randomly from 1 to 5 touches for the video to play. Outcome devaluation The butterflies disappears. Background changes from grey to blue. The video display appears, and the three video clips from one of the two car- toon series/movies repeat four times with a 3-s interval between clips. Which show/movie is randomly chosen. Post-devaluation extinction test Following outcome devaluation, the video display disappears, the background color changes back to gray, and the display with the two butterfly icons appear again. Unknown to the children, both response areas become deactivated, so that touch responses do not cause any video outcomes for a period of 1 min. Post-devaluation reacquisition test. This is identical to the choice phase except only lasts for 3.5 minutes.

Data to be collected: Every time the child touches one of the icons, which icon, and the timing within the experiment. Also, while which cartoon went with which butterfly with which side of the screen is determined randomly for each child, we need to keep track of which random thing happened to each kid. Also, there needs to be an intro screen at the beginning where we enter demographic info about the kid to be associated with the data output E.g., DOB, age, gender, subject # (in our sequence), how many and what languages spoken at home, and any other random comments.