
became unavailable

hajty626 opened this issue · 12 comments

after update to ver. 3.x few months ago, all devices come "Became unavailable" in about 10 min interval.

You can try debug.

Hello, I enable debug mode, but for now here is some errors from log. It can be problem with this:

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.jablotron100
Source: custom_components/jablotron100/jablotron.py:2030
Integration: Jablotron 100 (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 08:21:34 (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 08:42:02

Unknown state packet (device 7): 5508a485c0014056a808
Unknown state packet (device 7): 5508a485c001307ae808
Unknown state packet (device 7): 5508a485c001607a0809
Unknown device info type 21 (device 234): 900cea0a090f00d54623d2af0101

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.jablotron100
Source: custom_components/jablotron100/jablotron.py:1017
Integration: Jablotron 100 (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:12:14 (32 occurrences)
Last logged: 14:39:10

Read error: 'device_34'

Read error: 'device_34'

This is strange. Please enable error logging for Jablotron integration via logger.

Or please find full log of your HA. It may be already logged.

I have enabled debug mode, many lines are there.

these is only two error lines in debug log, device7 is show every few second, bud device34 every about 10 mins and the time is same when all devices are unavailable. It's 1st contact of magnet JA-150M, which i have disabled.

2022-05-20 15:25:43 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-2_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] Unknown state packet (device 7): 5508a485c001b0660f0f
2022-05-20 15:48:50 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-2_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] Read error: 'device_34'

What is device 7?

And how did you disabled device 34?

Device 7 is PIR JA-120PW, I have disabled in f-link device 34.

Is there a trace in the log for 2022-05-20 15:48:50 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-2_0) [custom_components.jablotron100] Read error: 'device_34' ?

No I can't find it. But I solved it by change input 2 to input 1 on JA-150M an change from "Other" to "Flood detector" in HA. I have configured JA-150M as LD-81 (flood detection mode) and it was a problem probably. No error on device 34 is now.

Thank You to advise what can I looking for.

Do I understand that you have no problem now?

Yes, the device is no sending errors now and no became unavailable.