
ts-jest with nest-graphql-transform could not find typeFileNameSuffix with specific suffix

eliasmohammadi opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi. I have a project that I write with NestJS. I used the Graphql plugin for the Field decorator, and for the e2e test, I used this link:

My Problem is: when I use the default typeFileName for my files,ts-jest is happy. but if I use the custom name as the following code, ts-jest, and astTransformers could not work.

Code Structure:

  • app
    • user.dto.ts ----> graphql model


    "plugins": [


        "name": "@nestjs/graphql",

        "options": {

          "typeFileNameSuffix": [".input.ts", ".args.ts",".dto.ts"],

          "introspectComments": true



  "transform": {
          "^.+\\.(t|j)s$": ["ts-jest", {
                 "isolatedModules": false,
                 "astTransformers": {
                        "before": ["<rootDir>/jest-graphql-plugin.js"]


const transformer = require('@nestjs/graphql/plugin');

module.exports.name = 'nestjs-graphql-transformer';
// you should change the version number anytime you change the configuration below - otherwise, jest will not detect changes
module.exports.version = 2;

module.exports.factory = (cs) => {
    return transformer.before(
            // @nestjs/graphql/plugin options (can be empty)
        cs.program, // "cs.tsCompiler.program" for older versions of Jest (<= v27)

plugin work with specific suffix when I want to build the project. I think ts-jest did not support typeFileNameSuffix.
How Can I config ts-jest to read specific typeFileNameSuffix for graphql?