
[Bug]: Mixed ESM/CJS Typescript files in node_modules

Creative-Difficulty opened this issue · 1 comments



Steps to reproduce

My config (MOSTLY works with TypeScript and ES6):

import type { JestConfigWithTsJest } from 'ts-jest'

const jestConfig: JestConfigWithTsJest = {
    preset: "ts-jest/presets/default-esm",
    resolver: "ts-jest-resolver",
    testEnvironment: "node",
    // transformIgnorePatterns: ["<rootDir>/node_modules/"],
    extensionsToTreatAsEsm: [".ts"],
    collectCoverageFrom: [
    transform: {
        // '^.+\\.[tj]sx?$' to process js/ts with `ts-jest`
        // '^.+\\.m?[tj]sx?$' to process js/ts/mjs/mts with `ts-jest`
        '^.+\\.tsx?$': [
            useESM: true,
            tsconfig: "tsconfig.json"

export default jestConfig


I am importing a node module into a file, on which i'm exporting a function, which i am using in my test.
The Error:


ELIFECYCLETest failed. See above for more details.
alexeschanz@192 Oxygen % TS_JEST_LOG=ts-jest.log pnpm run test

> oxygen@0.8.1 test /Users/alexeschanz/Documents/Projects/Oxygen
> NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules pnpm exec jest

(node:65630) ExperimentalWarning: VM Modules is an experimental feature and might change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
 PASS  tests/checkEnv.test.ts

ReferenceError: You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down. From tests/getUser.test.ts.

ReferenceError: You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down. From tests/getUser.test.ts.

 FAIL  tests/getUser.test.ts
   Test suite failed to run

    Must use import to load ES Module: /Users/alexeschanz/Documents/Projects/Oxygen/node_modules/.pnpm/@josephg+resolvable@1.0.1/node_modules/@josephg/resolvable/index.ts

      at Runtime.requireModule (node_modules/.pnpm/jest-runtime@29.7.0/node_modules/jest-runtime/build/index.js:850:21)

ReferenceError: You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down. From tests/getUser.test.ts.

ReferenceError: You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down. From tests/getUser.test.ts.

ReferenceError: You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down. From tests/getUser.test.ts.

ReferenceError: You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down. From tests/getUser.test.ts.

ReferenceError: You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down. From tests/getUser.test.ts.

ReferenceError: You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down. From tests/getUser.test.ts.

ReferenceError: You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down. From tests/getUser.test.ts.

ReferenceError: You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down. From tests/getUser.test.ts.

ReferenceError: You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down. From tests/getUser.test.ts.

ReferenceError: You are trying to `import` a file after the Jest environment has been torn down. From tests/getUser.test.ts.

(node:65631) ExperimentalWarning: VM Modules is an experimental feature and might change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 passed, 2 total
Tests:       2 passed, 2 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        1.641 s, estimated 2 s
Ran all test suites.ELIFECYCLETest failed. See above for more details.


This is the test itself:

import { getUser } from "../src/lib/getUser.js";
import { User, UserKey } from "../src/types.js";
import { testDB } from "../src/lib/db.js";
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
import * as fs from "node:fs/promises";
import jsonwebtoken from "jsonwebtoken";
import path from "node:path";
import bcrypt from "bcryptjs";
import { JWTSecret } from "../src/index.js";

// jest.useFakeTimers();

const dirname = path.resolve();
const testDBDir = path.join(dirname, "test-databse")
const currentDateTime = new Date().toISOString();
const randomInvalidJWT = jsonwebtoken.sign({ created: currentDateTime, uuid: uuidv4() }, uuidv4())

test("getUser Filters out JWT's that don't start with Bearer", async () => {
    const getUserResult = await getUser(randomInvalidJWT);

test("getUser Doesn't filter out JWT's that start with space", async () => {
    const userUUID: string = uuidv4();
    const currentDateTime = new Date().toISOString();
    const userJWT = jsonwebtoken.sign({ created: currentDateTime, uuid: userUUID }, JWTSecret);
    const encryptedJWTToken = await bcrypt.hash(userJWT, 15);
    const keyObject: UserKey = { uuid: userUUID, created: currentDateTime, access: false };
    const valueObject = {
        JWT: encryptedJWTToken,
        uuid: userUUID
    } as User

    await testDB.put(JSON.stringify(keyObject), JSON.stringify(valueObject));

    const getUserResult = await getUser(` Bearer ${userJWT}`);

afterAll(async () => {
    await fs.rm(testDBDir, { recursive: true });


### Expected behavior

The tests to work

### Actual behavior

The tests didnt work

### Debug log


### Additional context

_No response_

### Environment

    OS: macOS 14.0
    CPU: (10) arm64 Apple M2 Pro
    Node: 20.7.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.7.0/bin/node
    npm: 10.1.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v20.7.0/bin/npm
    pnpm: 8.8.0 - /opt/homebrew/bin/pnpm
    jest: ^29.7.0 => 29.7.0

MIgrated to bun. LOsers