
[Field account_number] - Unable to save bank details when account number is more than 9 characters long and country code is CN

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Testing Endpoint - http://preview.airwallex.com:30001
request - POST
Account number range when country code is CN is 8 to 20 characters. But the test fails on anything over 9 characters
JSON payload

 payment_method: 'LOCAL',
 bank_country_code: 'CN',
 account_name: 'John Smith',
 account_number: '0123456789'


+ expected - actual

   -  "error": "Length of account_number should be between 7 and 11 when bank_country_code is 'US'"
   +  "success": "Bank details saved"

To reproduce run test -

Save Bank Details with account_number field
  And bank country code - CN
    And valid length