Datetime/duration types won't work
jankap opened this issue · 2 comments
jankap commented
Graphs with duration or datetime data types cannot be saved to svg (Matlab 2020a):
ms = milliseconds(1:10);
plot(ms, randn(1,10))
Error using
Value must be a vector of numeric type.
Error in fig2svg>RemoveDataOffLimits (line 5031)
eval(['set(dataObj,', setDataStr, ');']);
Error in fig2svg>AxesChildBounds (line 4824)
RemoveDataOffLimits(dataObjs(j), ax);
Error in fig2svg>get_projection (line 4584)
[xinfi, yinfi, zinfi] = AxesChildBounds(ax);
Error in fig2svg>axes2svg (line 1338)
[projection, edges] = get_projection(ax, id);
Error in fig2svg (line 221)
group = axes2svg(fid, id, ax(j), group, paperpos);
this is due to the limit calculation and preallocation of x limits. I'm looking into it.
kupiqu commented
Please see
kupiqu commented
Currently unmaintained