
A flask app that returns most recent 112 / P2000 emergency messages in a WhatsApp Message

Primary LanguagePython

P2000 Bot

This is a Python Flask app that sends P2000 messages via Twilio.

Note: You need a Twilio account and Google Cloud Geocoding API.

Twilio has a free sandbox for testing, which you can read about here: https://www.twilio.com/docs/whatsapp/sandbox

Google Cloud Geocoding has free requests up to $200 a month. This is sufficient for 40,000 requests per month. https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/overview https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/usage-and-billing

What is P2000?

P2000 is a digital alerting system used in the Netherlands to dispatch emergency services such as fire departments, police, and ambulance services. It provides real-time information about incidents, including their locations and nature.


  • Sends 3 most recept P2000 messages for given city (default is Amsterdam)
  • Can be triggered by a simple WhatsApp Message
  • Easy to set up and use.

Example usage

Message sent:

P2000 Sijkenisse

Messages recieved

Tijd: 13:31:07

Bericht: A2 (DIA: ja) AMBU 17161 Gerard Fonkertsingel 3201MA Spijkenisse SPIJKN bon 137097

Eenheden opgeroepen:

🚒 Brandweer - Groepscode Group-1

🚑 Ambulance - Monitorcode 🚑 Ambulancepos

🚑 Ambulance - 🚑 Ambulance 17-161

A WhatsApp location message with the geocoded location will also be sent.



  1. Install Python 3 and the following Python packages:
  • Flask
  • twilio
  • python-decouple
  • googlemaps
  • pandas
  • geocode

You can also install them using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Clone this repository

  2. Create a .env file in the root of the repository and add your the following information:

  1. Start the Flask app:
python app.py


To send P2000 messages, simply send a WhatsApp message with the text "P2000" to the Twilio phone number that you associated with this app. Note: You need to activate the sandbox, and associate your own phone number with the sandbox first. See the Twilio documentation: https://www.twilio.com/docs/whatsapp/sandbox

If you want to send P2000 messages for a specific city, include the city name after "P2000". For example, to send P2000 messages for Amsterdam, you would send the following SMS message:

P2000 Amsterdam


P2000 Haarlem


The capcode database was retrieved from: http://p2000.bommel.net/manual.php