
Error re: vbmc_runner pickling on starting vbmcd

Closed this issue · 2 comments

macOS 11.2.3
Python 3.9.0 (installed via homebrew)
Latest pip/pypi index+packages

I followed the documentation in installing the package, and on attempting to start vbmcd, I get the following error:

~ » vbmcd --foreground
2021-03-21 00:17:20,414.414 65337 ERROR VirtualBMC [-] Can't pickle local object 'VirtualBMCManager._sync_vbmc_states.<locals>.vbmc_runner'

vbmcd does not show in process list or netstat, and vbmc reports an error attempting to connect, so definitely not running. Only other steps I took prior were vbmc add .... and vbmc start ....

Noticed that if I start from scratch, vbmcd does start initially, but dies after adding my server and calling vbmc start ....

config contents (w/ creds + IPs redacted):

username = [BMC-USERNAME]
password = [BMC-PASSWORD]
address = ::
port = 6230
fakemac = 02:00:00:4e:70:e5
vm_name = fangorn-vesxi01
viserver = [IP]
viserver_username = [VC-USERNAME]
viserver_password = [VC-PASSWORD]
active = True

Thanks for the report! I hadn't tried to get it to work on macOS.

It seems to be something around multiprocessing. I'll look into it.

Sorry for late response, I've released new version 0.0.7 including your PR 😃
Thanks for your contribution!!