
Compatibility with VirtualBox 6.0

Okeanos opened this issue · 4 comments

With VirtualBox 6.0 having been released on December 18th 2018 I am wondering whether there are any (short term) plans to make the plugin compatible with it?

There are at least two lines of code (

execute("storagectl", @uuid, "--name", controller_name, "--" + ((@version.start_with?("4.3") || @version.start_with?("5.")) ? "" : "sata") + "portcount", "2", "--add", "sata")
execute("storagectl", @uuid, "--name", controller_name, "--" + ((@version.start_with?("4.3") || @version.start_with?("5.")) ? "" : "sata") + "portcount", "2")
) that need to be adapted as far as I can see.

I manually changed these to work for 6.0 locally for now but official support would be nice.

  • the same portcount parameter as used for 4.3 and 5.x is necessary
  • the portcount value has to be (?!) 16 – at least in my case it throws an error if it isn't

I have not used the plugin to create a disk from scratch yet with VBox 6.0 only after an upgrade and re-attaching an existing storage.

Thank you for the information. Can you also check if this is working from scratch with a new vm?
I have updated my VirtualBox and vagrant. When I run the ./test.sh command from this repository i get valid checks. Maybe this occurs only when the previous storage was created with an earlier version of VirtualBox.

Okay, I am no longer certain what happened but apparently changing the portcount value is not necessary at all. Guess something else was interfering — I tested a box from scratch and the migrated one just now and it works as long as the parameter name is correct.

csuka commented

Does it work with Virtualbox 6?
If so, can you update the README as well, thanks.

I have updated the readme. Thanks.