
:pencil: A server-less pastebin app for short messages. Data is stored within the URL.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A server-less pastebin-esque note-taking app.

Demo: http://alfg.github.com/jot


  • A simple, elegant design
  • Retains formatting of messages
  • Data is base64 encoded into the URL hash, so no data is stored on a server
  • Easy to share via encoded URL
  • Simple to deploy. Just a few static files.
  • Add a secret key with encryption support via Blowfish


  • Most modern browsers limit the URL to 2000 characters. Messages can easily generate a long URL depending on the content. So it is best to keep messages minimal (TODO lists, short snippets of code, etc...).
  • Use a URL shortening service to shorten the URL when sharing. Jot URLs can typically be very long depending on the content.


http://alfg.co/jot/#eTWF5IHRoZSBzb3VyY2UgYmUgd2l0aCB5b3Uu http://alfg.co/jot/#eVGhlIGtleSB0byBoYXBwaW5lc3M6CgoqIEVhdAoqIFNsZWVwCiogQ29kZQ== http://alfg.co/jot/#btU/VJBS+XgS/Qjs6YPI7lRVCUSA1E/OxMDm1z+ZC9R8 (key is foobar)


jot is open-source under the MIT License.