
Primary LanguageSwift


This demo app contains some best practices for iOS app development in Swift:

  • Clean architecture
  • Single-point Environment-based dependency injection
  • Theming
  • Localization
  • Unit tests
  • Data mocking for testing and SwiftUI previews
  • UIKit -> SwiftUI conversions
  • Custom SwiftUI elements
  • Basic animations
  • State-based routing


In this branch the Steller demo app is implemented using a Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture principles and heavily inspired by this Medium article by Alexey Naumov: https://medium.com/swlh/clean-architecture-for-swiftui-6d6c4eb1cf6a

Key differences between this implementation of Clean Architecture and MVVM

  • In Clean Architecture the ViewModel from the MVVM breaks down to: Interactor (business logic), Repository (data requests).
  • View breaks down to the View and Router.

For such a small demo the Clean Architecture is a bit of an overkill, especially when implemented from scratch. In this repo, you can find also a MVVM version, much easier to implement and understand for new developers.

Benefits over MVVM

So why Clean Architecture?

Greater separation of concerns

  • Almost 100% testability.
  • Dependency injection.
  • As the project gets bigger, things are easier to find and debug.

Unidirectional flow of data

  • It's easier to test and find bugs.
  • Elimination of race conditions.


  • Unfortunately, SwiftUI doesn't come with a clear way of providing navigation outside of NavigationView which is not very customizable at the moment.
  • By introducing a centralized routing system, I attempt to solve the issue, opening the doors to handling URLs for deep linking and a clear testable state-based navigation.