
Move to `stylelint-order` 6.0

ehoogeveen-medweb opened this issue ยท 4 comments

(shamelessly copied from the same issue in stylelint-config-recess-order)

Stylelint just released 6.0. There are no big changes (mostly Node.js deprecation), the transition should be simple.

It is published with v3.0.0. Thanks for the heads up!

Thanks! By the way, all rules that enforce stylistic conventions were deprecated in stylelint version 15, and that includes declaration-empty-line-before and at-rule-empty-line-before (stylelint-config-prettier is also considered unnecessary as of stylelint version 15 and won't accept it as a peer dependency).

I haven't tried updating yet so I don't know if this config causes warnings, but the rules will be removed entirely in stylelint version 16. So you may have to give up on the formatting part of this config unless you can handle it a different way.

Thanks Emanuel. I'm aware of the deprecations and I was thinking removing the formatting rules with a major release as soon as possible. Thanks again!

FYI, they're removed with v4.0.0 release. ๐Ÿ‘‹