
A CHIP-8 emulator made with C23 and SDL2.

Primary LanguageC


och8S version logo C23 version logo GNU GCC version logo

A CHIP-8 emulator made with C23 and SDL2.


If you are using the Nix package manager you may be interested in the provided flake.nix file.


First setup the project:

just setup

Then just compile and run it pointing to your ROM file:

just run <rom-path>

The following executions can just be made by pointing to the previously compiled file:

build/src/och8S <rom-path>


The CHIP-8's keypad is mapped like this:

123C  ->  1234 
456D  ->  QWER
789E  ->  ASDF
A0BF  ->  ZXCV

The emulator has basic savestate capabilities:

  • Save to the savefile: N.
  • Load from the savefile: M.


For Windows users: och8S uses the POSIX only getopt() function from the header unistd.h so the usage of MinGW or Cygwin is obligatory to be able to compile the Windows NT platform.
