
API for Amcharts

Primary LanguageHTML

Rdoc Build Status Rdoc


rAmCharts 2.1.10 (based on [amcharts][amcharts_url] version 3.21.13)

  • recycle dp$color to pass data.table 1.12.2

rAmCharts 2.1.9 (based on [amcharts][amcharts_url] version 3.21.13)

  • rAmChartsTimeSeries module : enabled multiple col_series in a list
  • amTimeSeries : fix passing one groupToPeriods + update thousandsSeparator
  • Update Docomentation and add full javascript API in package & amChartsAPI() function
  • rAmChartsTimeSeries module : fix bug zooming on missing value

rAmCharts 2.1.8 (based on AmCharts version 3.21.13)

  • rAmChartsTimeSeries module : fix keeping first and last values when NA
  • Update to amcharts.js 3.21.13

rAmCharts 2.1.7 (based on AmCharts version 3.20.18)

  • new add_animate_dependency function


This package allows to draw interactive charts from the JavaScript library AmCharts using Hmtlwidgets.

Currently available chart types: funnel, gantt, gauge, pie, radar, serial, stock, xy.

Please refer to this page http://datastorm-open.github.io/introduction_ramcharts/, you will find several examples and a quick tutorial.

Moreover, full AmCharts API is available in the package using amChartsAPI().


The version 2.1.7 is available on CRAN:


To install the "dev version", run the following code lines:

if (!require(devtools)) {
} else {}



  • Version 1.1.2 is based on AmCharts v3.17.2
  • Version 2.0.0 is based on AmCharts v3.18.2
  • Version 2.0.2 is based on AmCharts v3.20.3
  • Version 2.1.0 is based on AmCharts v3.20.10
  • Version <= 2.1.7 is based on AmCharts v3.20.18
  • Version >= 2.1.8 is based on AmCharts v3.21.13

Known issues

  • Problem in Shiny with Firefox (works with Chrome or Safari), the function renderAmcharts({NULL}) does not clear the chart, use conditionalPanel instead.
  • Use in R Markown needs either an url path "http://www.amcharts.com/lib/3" to find images or a local path e.g. system.file("htmlwidgets/lib", package = "rAmCharts"). HTML reports also need a call to the method plot.

amHist(iris$Sepal.Length, freq = FALSE, breaks = 30, col = "gray",
       path = "http://www.amcharts.com/lib/3")
# path = system.file("htmlwidgets/lib", package = "rAmCharts"))

  • Usual R colors work (for instance, light or dark prefixes), however the 'export' feature needs valid CSS colors. To be sure, use hexadecimal format if you want to use the 'export' feature.