This is a burger logger application that was built with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and a homemade ORM. MVC design pattern was followed, Node and MySQL were used to query and route data, handlebars were used to general HTML.
The application allows a user to add a list of burgers they want to eat, after devouring a burger they will click a button and move it to the burgers eaten list and they will be given an opportunity to re-order that burger for future consumption.
Screenshot of the completed output:
My portfolio has been updated to include this project, and can be viewed at
npm init
npm install mysql
npm install express
npm install express-handlebars
Run the following command at the root of the directory and you will be able to view the local website at http://localhost:8080/:
node server.js
The project was deployed on heroku and can viewed at this website: