
Issues with shared volume.

aredan opened this issue · 4 comments

I installed the Helm Chart first without the shared volume, it worked great, later I enable the shared volume in the values.yaml and before running the update I installed the NFS server indicated in https://github.com/kvaps/kube-opennebula/tree/master/examples/prod/deploy/nfs-server-provisioner the helm upgrade fails.

Just to be sure, I delete the entire deployment, even the namespace, and started from scratch this time with share volume enable.



kvaps commented

Hi, what setup do you have: Kubernetes environment and CNI plugin? Is nfs-server-provisioner pod is running?

I have a 5 node k3s cluster with flannel as CNI. Yes, the NFS-server-provisioner was running, I deleted everything to check the values files and do another test but first wanted to write an issue to look for help.
One more thing, I have longhorn as storage and it has RWX support, I tried using that instead of the NFS and it displays the same error.

kvaps commented

Interesting, looks like your node does not support nfs mounts, try repeating this command manually on the node:

mount -t nfs -o vers=3 /mnt

Sorry for the delay in responding to your request.
I find out that no only this deployment was failing to share a volume, in the end, I was messing the nfs-commong package on my working nodes so there was no tool available to use the shared NFS.
It is working now. Thanks!