
Strange effect in Chrome on Nexus 5

Closed this issue · 1 comments

1st view of demo in portrait, I get ../retina/big.jpg (1240×775) and ‘Viewport 360′. On rotating to landscape it becomes retina/small.jpg (768×480) & viewport 598. Rotate back to portrait and I get retina/smallest.jpg (480×300) viewport 360.

360×598 are the screen dimension the browser normally reports, although actual pixels are 1080×1900 (x3).

--Posted by David Preston on David Walsh's Blog

Tested on: Nexus S Android 2.3.7 (Default browser)
Tried switching orientations and plugin seems to work correctly.

I will contact the poster of the message to see if he would like to contribute using the phone he reported the issue with. Would like to hear it if anyone notices something! :)