List of Website requirements.
Opened this issue · 5 comments
un1versal commented
This should be a list of website requirements, this is a mix of things mentioned in #20
The point here is to generate some discussion so that this list can be order to make a possible redesign simpler by proving a solid foundation to the developer.
- Modern and clean look. Something that has large buttons, organized panels without too much clutter and a clean font is certainly a good idea.
- Responsive design
- Full browser width.
- The idea of a landing page with quick download
- a brief presentation (a screenshot and a list of features) like the "Explore" section.
- read news about whatever related. (doesnt have to be a whole section if done right).
- Introduce KVIrc get people excited
- Get/show visitors how to download or compile KVIrc
- Show those who use kvirc access to documentation (wiki)
- Direct people to source code
un1versal commented
A good example of a IRC client website, modern clean etc
Jan02 commented
what about a CMS ?
Stanzilla commented
no need
Jan02 commented
Found this single page template
wodim commented
This is an IRC client, not a shit SaaS service