
Is it possible to get separate characteristics?

AlexanderZgersky opened this issue · 2 comments

I have to get BirthDate and BiologicalSex in my app, for this purposes I use HealthKitReporter.characteristicsQuery() method.
I've faced with the following problem.
I get an exception _TypeError (type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'String') in case if I request permissions only for CharacteristicType.dateOfBirth , CharacteristicType.biologicalSex and then call HealthKitReporter.characteristicsQuery().
As result I have to request permissions for all characteristics and then call HealthKitReporter.characteristicsQuery() to get only BirthDate and BiologicalSex.
Is it possible to get these characteristics without requesting additional permissions?

Hi @AlexanderZgersky

Thank you for your report and using this package.

Indeed, there is an issue with the parsing. I made a fix and published a new version 1.4.1

@VictorKachalov Thank you for your support, after upgrading to version 1.4.1, the problem disappeared.