
How to check DSM info?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Can you add DSM info?

module.exports = function(syno) {
  return {
    info            : info.bind(syno),
    application     : application.bind(syno),
    autoBlock       : autoBlock.bind(syno),
    connection      : connection.bind(syno),
    encryptShare    : encryptShare.bind(syno),
    findMe          : findMe.bind(syno),
    group           : group.bind(syno),
    logViewer       : logViewer.bind(syno),
    network         : network.bind(syno),
    package         : pkg.bind(syno),
    pushNotification: pushNotification.bind(syno),
    service         : service.bind(syno),
    share           : share.bind(syno),
    system          : system.bind(syno),
    systemLoading   : systemLoading.bind(syno),
    user            : user.bind(syno),
    volume          : volume.bind(syno),
    iSCSI           : iSCSI.bind(syno)
kwent commented

@iruyanka I just released a new 2.0.0 version which support 5.x and 6.x version and dsm core methods you are looking for.