
Video station api documentation seems outdated for new video station version

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm using the latest video station version.

  • In listMovies, library_id is now a required parameter.
  • getMovieInfo does not exist anymore, it should be getInfoMovie, which I can't get to work (can't figure out which parameters are needed besides id because it simply returns null).
  • the callback function seems to need 2 parameters, only the second is filled with data, the first is unclear what it is for?

it seems that DSM6 / latest version of Video station uses Entry.cgi for everything and controls what data is sent back with the additional parameter, but I don't know how to use it.

kwent commented

Hi, @hansmbakker,

Could you provide the exact video station version you are testing again?



I can’t easily answer that question, because the question is from one year ago, and I haven’t tried using this library since.

I upgraded my diskstation in the mean time and therefore I cannot check the version from then. I suppose the questions are still valid, though?

However as I’m not using the library at the moment, the issue may also be closed.