
Link to repos from docs

nathanclevenger opened this issue · 2 comments

Unless I'm missing it somewhere, there doesn't seem to be any links to the repos for itty-router, itty-durable, etc from the docs. I find myself regularly clicking on the "Edit this Page" link, then, clicking on kwhitly, then Repositories then trying to find the proper one.

I could make a pull request, but I'm not sure how/where you would want these links on each page.

Not sure if you're still looking for this, but on, every project has both a NPM symbol and a GitHub symbol left-aligned in its title page, such as at

In code, this seems to be managed somewhat dynamically here: and I think can be traced to commit c4a2022 from June 10th.

Thanks @MajorTanya - yes, it got resolved shortly after I created the ticket, but this never got closed. Thanks