
A Python/Flask web application that allows users to search a database for books they've read and leave ratings and reviews.

Primary LanguageHTML

Rating Rainbow

Rate and review books you've read, Oct 2019

By K. Wicz


Landing Page Preview


Upon loading this web application, a user may create a unique login/password, or sign in with an existing username. Users can search the book database, powered by the Goodreads API, by year, author, or title. Once they find the book they were looking for, they can select it and be redirected to that individual book's page. On the book's page, they may leave reviews, rating the book from 1-5, and read other reviews users have left for that book.

Setup/Installation Requirements

In Terminal:

  • git clone https://github.com/kwicz/rating-rainbow.git
  • install -r requirements.txt
  • export FLASK_APP=app.py
  • export DATABASE_URL=postgres://rysnwwpwnjlpfv:5218739186d4faa63583d54677a36504128ad248f72e3a55a3655936253dca2a@ec2-54-225-72-238.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/dc8n0iurka151p
  • flask run

Known Bugs

No known bugs at this time.

Support and contact details

Have a bug or an issue with this application? Open a new issue here on GitHub.

Technologies Used

  • Goodreads API
  • Python
  • Flask
  • Jinja Templating
  • SQL
  • HTML & CSS
  • Bootstrap 4



Copyright (c) 2020 K.Wicz