
Broken character encoding on console, wrong source string

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi there,

was trying to setup a first simple test case with rx-sandbox, but wasn't successful so far:

it('rx: should notify on loading events with debouncing', (fakeAsync(() => {

    // GIVEN

    const { cold, getMessages, e } = rxSandbox.create(true)

    const mappings = { t: true, f: false }
    const triggerEvents$ = cold('t...75...f-t-120-f', mappings)
    const expected = e('...50...t...50...f...170...f', mappings)

    // WHEN
    const messages = getMessages(underTest.isLoading$)
    triggerEvents$.subscribe(loadingState => underTest.setLoadingState(loadingState))

    // THEN
    tick(300) // <-- appearently needed for any events to be received


underTest.isLoading$' is defined as follows:


So basically it should just debounce booleans 50 ms if different than the last value.

But when I run the test, I got a very strange result:

"Source:   ä-----"
"Expected: -...48...-ä-...177...-ḅ-----"

Maybe my test is just wrong but I don't see why Source hasn't the value defined by me and has (as well as Expected) strange characters like ' ä' and 'ḅ' in it.

I am using Jest 28 and rx-sandbox 2.0.4.

Thank you!

kwonoj commented

The char is not broken, it is substitued if the value is not a single-char representatble in marble diagram, i.e

const custom = {
a: 1,
b: { x: 'meh' },
d: 4,
f: ['value'],
const s = '--a--b--c--d--e--f--|';
const e = '--1--ä--c--4--e--ḅ--|';
const source = p(s, custom);
const marble = constructObservableMarble(source);

Given above code is not actually runnable, I can't say for sure why it kicks in your codes. The easiest way is inspect the actual test message object after calling getMessages and compare it with source observable if it emits a value cannot be represented as single marble character.