
纯小白 步骤1.1.2死活搞不懂

HoshinoHikariNeko opened this issue · 8 comments

config.yaml.example死活找不到 新建一个config.yaml又检测不到
求大佬教教 真的不会看😢
这个问题我描述的很模糊 对不起:(但还是希望有佬能理我一下

补个图 Code401

Hi, Code 401 means your API key is not authorized by OpenAI, thus you can't use the API for ChatGPT.

Please make sure your config.yaml has the following content in it:

openaiApiKey: "<your_openai_api_key>"
openaiOrganizationID: "<your_organization_id>"
chatgptTriggerKeyword: "<your_keyword>"

As mentioned in Section 1.1.1, you should:

  1. Apply on OpenAI official website for your own API key
  2. Fill in the <your_openai_api_key> blank in config.yaml file to resolve Code 401 error
  3. Fill in the <your_keyword> blank to set the trigger keyword (if you want)

Also, the config.yaml.example file only serves as an example of how your config.yaml file should look like.

You should have found your API key in the page similar to this:


Also for your reference, now you might need to pay for the API key usage, as the free quota might have expired on April 2023. You can go to the Usage tab to check if your quota is available.

Yep I've got my API before. The problem I have just because I can't find the absolute path(?) of the file"config.yaml". I can't find this file

Yep I've got my API before. The problem I have just because I can't find the absolute path(?) of the file"config.yaml". I can't find this file

You can create one yourself or change the name of config.yaml.example to config.yaml and fill in your API key.

Yep I've got my API before. The problem I have just because I can't find the absolute path(?) of the file"config.yaml". I can't find this file

You can create one yourself or change the name of config.yaml.example to config.yaml and fill in your API key.

Yep I've got my API before. The problem I have just because I can't find the absolute path(?) of the file"config.yaml". I can't find this file

You can create one yourself or change the name of to and fill in your API key.config.yaml.example``config.yaml

Just create a new one at \ChatGPT-on-WeChat-master or another path like \ChatGPT-on-WeChat-master\doc ?(A stupid question, forgive me)




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