Project 1 - Review my app #1
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My pre-work for the app is complete, please review. /cc @codepathreview
Looks good Kevin!
This pre-work is a preview of our weekly project process. Generally, weekly projects take about 5 hours to complete the required features and an additional 5-10 hours to complete the optional features. In general, we've seen that the more hours you log, the quicker you improve your proficiency with iOS.
The purpose of this project was to begin to explore Xcode and to get a broad overview of iOS development using Swift. For example, in this project, we explored the following concepts:
Code styling in Swift. You can find some code styling guides here:
Ray Wenderlich Swift Style Guide
Github Swift Style Guide
- Views are created in Storyboard, Interface Builder, or programmatically, but they have the same goal: instantiate, initialize, and layout view objects. We use IBOutlets to give names to view objects, similar to giving unique ids to divs in HTML.
- We registered for touch events, which can be done programmatically or via IBActions.
- We explored NSUserDefaults, one of the four persistence strategies in iOS.
- View controllers have a set of methods that are called when it loads, appears, or disappears. These are called view controller lifecycle methods.
Do your views look good on iPhone 4, 5, and 6? We will cover in class how to use Auto Layout to robustly design your views for different screen sizes and OS versions.
After this assignment, you should understand the purpose of IBOutlets and IBActions as well as the basics of designing views and programmatically interacting with the views from the controller.