The NearbyWiki is a simple iOS application to fetch the current location of the device and get nearby English language Wikipedia articles. It allows to show route and steps.
Branch: develop
To use this app GOOGLE_API_KEY should be configured under Configurations folder.
- iOS version:
- Swift version:
- Dependencies Manager:
Cococa Pods
- Architecture patterns:
,Dependency Injection
- APIs:
,Googole Directions API
- Tests coverage:
Unit Tests
- pod 'SwiftLint' - Linter for Swift
- pod 'SwiftGen' - Resources code generator
- pod 'Swinject' - Dependecy Injection container
- pod 'Moya/RxSwift' - Network layer abstraction
- pod 'Quick' - behavior-driven development framework
- pod 'Nimble' - framework for test expectation
- pod 'MockSix' - object mocking framework
- pod 'NimbleMockSix' - Nimble extension for MockSix
- Change branch to
- Run
pod install
- Open
- To build project
Command + B
- To run project
Command + R
- To run tests
Command + U