
APP error 0 not trained

neragr opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi, I have trained an image classificator in ml4kids and I have imported the model to app inventor. I have programmed the mobile app following your instructions, but when I try to use it, and classify an image I got the error "0: not trained". I have tested the model in ml4kids, scratch 3 and python and it works.
Also I have checked text models and they work properly.

You need to train a model in your App Inventor project, using the Train new model block.

Hi @dalelane, I'm mentoring in Technovation girls programme and my team have the same issue, but it's not clear how exactly we should use that block? BTW in you readme file it says it can be used only for text, is still the case? Thanks

hi @fcaballero

You need to use the Train New Model block in your App Inventor project. That block will train a model.

If you try and use a ML model in your App Inventor project before you create it, you'll get the error described above.

You may find it easier to start with one of the worksheets which has instructions for how to do this.

Screenshot 2022-02-27 at 18 26 31

@dalelane Thank you! we''ll check those!

Hi @dalelane, sorry to bother you again, we have followed the tutorials you mentioned above and unfortunately they don't work. It has been more than an hour and we don't see any result, we also tried in our project and with the same result. Do you have another idea what we could do to make it work? thanks in advance

@fcaballero If you send me a copy of your App Inventor project, I can give it a try

I also had a quick run-through of making the project for myself this afternoon to double-check that there wasn't a bug I wasn't aware of. I recorded my screen while doing this - you can see this at
You may want to have a quick skim through that to compare with what you've done - you might see a difference that explains why your project isn't working

(edit - by the way, YouTube seems to be taking forever to process the screen-recording, so if you only see the fuzzy 360p version, it might be worth waiting a bit until the HD version is available!)

It has been more than an hour

By the way, I don't think it's worth waiting that long. If it isn't done in a few minutes, I wouldn't expect that to work.

The video at is intentionally unedited so that you can see how long the whole thing should take. Naturally there will be minor differences depending on how slow/fast your Android device is, but that gives you an idea of the ballpark you can expect

Thank you Dale, we will check the video! :)