
Non-Realtime Example not working - El Capitan

fahall opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to run the Non-Realtime example to do face detection/tracking on videos. When I load videos in the videoplayer example from the core OpenFrameworks, it works perfectly. When I run those same videos (tried mp4, mpg, & mov formats), the videos do not draw and no detections/tracking seems to be occurring. An empty gray window appears, which I assume is where it should be playing. If I call immediately after video.load(), it will draw the first frame, but only continues to play if I put a break in the code at the next line.

Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong?

I have the latest github pull of ofxFaceTracker and am running on OS X El Capitan 10.11.3


this is strange, since all the facetracker examples just use ofVideoPlayer to play movies. if you're not seeing the movie play at all, it's probably not an issue with ofxFaceTracker per se. and the example runs fine for me (on yosemite).
are you sure you have video.update(); getting called each update? other than that, i would suggest rebuilding the project file using the project generator and make sure you have the most recent version of the library, see if that fixes it.

Hmm. Not sure why this isn't working.

The only line I changed from the example is line 30 so that it points to my video file in /bin/data/. It now looks like this:


I also tried video.load("myvideo.mp4"), and I tried several other video formats. Same behavior for all variations I have tried.

video.update(); is in the update function. I notice that sometimes the video will show the first frame and hang there and other times will just show the empty gray rectangle. I also notice that the fps text in the top left is printing numbers around 58-60, even though the videos I've tried running are 29.97fps or 23.97fps.

This code works on my partner's machine and, as far as we can tell, we have the same OS, same codecs installed, and the same version of openframeworks and the ofxFaceTracker. I pulled again this morning, and everything was up to date, so I am working with the latest version of ofxFaceTracker.

Any thoughts?