
Automatically exit

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Why I put release of App(One of the examples in of ofxFaceTracker) to other places, the release of App can not run?
What should I do?
@kylemcdonald @genekogan @Daandelange

you have to make sure to keep the app in the same directory with the "data" folder, otherwise it won't find the settings/data files it needs. i.e. keep these two together.


  • ofApp
  • data

Is there any other way to change without relying on data folder?@genekogan

javl commented

You might be better of asking these kind of questions at the Openframeworks forum, as this is not an issue with ofxFaceTracker.

if you are compiling from mac, you can use ofSetDataPathRoot("../Resources/data/"); to make the internal resources folder the data folder (inside the built application, which you can find by right clicking on the app and click "show contents"). then just move all the stuff in the regular data folder into there, and you can freely move the app around. this is how FaceOSC works if you want to see an example. and yes, this is a general openframeworks question, not specific to facetracker.