
FaceOSC problems when using new Apple M1 processor / OS 11.2 on MacBook Pro

smbatill opened this issue · 1 comments

I just purchased a new MacBook Pro that contains the new M1 processor and is now running OS 11.2.

Unfortunately when I now try to execute FaceOSC - the version that worked on the older MacBook and iMac, it launches but doesn't run. It can't seem to activate the camera as the video does not appear -see screen shot below. It seems to be "stuck" trying to locate/access the video camera. (see below)

Thus my question, has anyone else encountered this issue with the new Apple M1 processor / OSx?

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


I have resolved this issue. I realized I had been using a 2016 version of FaceOSC and when I then downloaded and installed the latest version 1.2 - it ran.

The OSC v1.2 does run on a MacBook Pro with the M1 processor using OS 11.2.

Not sure why the older version did not run, but probably won't pursue that issue at this time.