
Simple, approachable, and runnable examples of new ES6 features.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ES6 Feature Overview

This repo contains simple and practical examples demonstrating many of the new features in ECMAScript 6. These are my notes, hopefully they will be useful to you!

The demos:

  • Arrows: simple and practical
  • Classes
  • const
  • Destructuring: simple and practical
  • For...of loops (related to Generators)
  • Generators & for...of loops
  • let
  • Map
  • Objects
  • Promise
  • Proxy (not implemented in Babel!)
  • Reflect
  • Set
  • Spread: simple
  • Template Strings: simple and practical
  • WeakMap
  • WeakSet

How To Use

The source files in src/ are meant to be read and messed around with. Running them will produce some useful console logs and should provide a simple way for you to play around with & learn the new features.

The ES6 files are in src/. The gulp babel task uses Babel to transpile the ES6 code down to javascript that can be run in Node. These files are created in the dist/ folder.

  1. Download this repo: git clone reponame

  2. Install the dependencies: npm install

  3. Make sure you have gulp: npm install -g gulp

  4. Run gulp babel

  5. Run any of the files in the /dist/ folder to see the output: node dist/arrows/simple.js

Running gulp default or just gulp will watch the src/ folder for changes, transpiling them on save!

Help me

Now accepting pull requests.