
Ultimate Helm chart to deploy all kinds of stack

Primary LanguageSmarty


Deploy your docker-compose stack with Helm.

If you ever ask yourself, what do this thousand lines of k8s manifest or that monstrous helm chart does behind the scene, this chart may be what you were waiting for so long.


helm repo add link https://linktohack.github.io/helm-stack/
kubectl create namespace your-stack
# docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yaml your_stack
helm -n your-stack upgrade --install your-stack link/stack -f docker-compose.yaml

While the inter-container communication is enabled in swarm either by network or link, in k8s if you have more than one service and they need to communicate together, you will need to expose the ports explicitly by --set services.XXX.expose={YYYY}

Features (complete)

The chart is features complete and I was able to deploy complex stacks with it including traefik and kubernetes-dashboard. In all cases, there is a mechanism to override the generated manifests with full possibilities of k8s API (see below.)

Acceptable configurations can be found in the test:.

  • Deployment:
    • Default to Deployment
    • DaemonSet if deploy.mode == global
    • kind can be set manually (e.g. StatefulSet, Job, CronJob) via an extra key
    • Extra key containers to add one or more containers to the service
    • Extra key initContainers to add one or more more initContainers to the service
  • Affinity: Support placement constraints (deploy.placement.constraints) including:
    • node.role
    • node.hostname
    • node.labels (==, !=, has)
  • Resources:
    • deploy.resources.reservations map to request and
    • deploy.resources.limits map to limit (accept both cpus and cpu keys)
  • Toleration: via extra key deploy.placement.tolerations with kubectl taint syntax
  • Service:
    • ports expose LoadBlancer by default
    • expose exposes ClusterIP services
    • nodePorts expose NodePort services
  • Ingress
    • Support traefik (1.7) labels (deploy.labels) as input with annotations support, including basic auth, PathPrefixStrip, customRequestHeaders, customResponseHeaders...
    • Support CertManager's Issuer and ClusterIssuer via extra labels traefik.issuer and traefik.cluster-issuer
    • Support Ingress class via extra label traefik.ingress-class
    • Support segment labels for services that expose multiple ports traefik.port, traefik.first.port, traefik.second.port...
  • Volume: Support inline/top-level volumes/external volumes
    • Support both short and long syntax
    • Automatic switch to volumeClaimTemplates for StatefulSet (really useful if combine with cloud provider's dynamic provisioner).
    • Dynamic provisioner should work as expected. volumes.XXX.driver_opts.type maps directly to storageClassName including treatments for:
      • none (default storage class)
      • nfs
      • emptyDir
    • Support none (map to hostPath if volumes.XXX.driver_opts.device presents) and nfs (if addr presents in volumes.XXX.driver_opts.o and volumes.XXX.driver_opts.device prensents) static provisioner.
    • Support readOnly attribute (volume:/path:ro style)
  • Config: Support top-level configs/external configs
    • Support both short and long syntax
    • Data can be integrated directly via data external key
    • Support mouting as directory by setting file to null. See Advance: full override to see how to insert more than one files
  • Secret: Support top-level secrets/external secrets
    • Support both short and long syntax
    • Data can be integrated directly via data and stringData external keys
    • Support mouting as directory by setting file to null. See Advance: full override to see how to insert more than one files
  • Health check
    • Support both shell and exec form. For advace features /.e.g/ httpGet, please use full override bellow
  • Job
  • CronJob
    • A default schedule is set as */1 * * * * but it can be easily overwritten with CronJob.spec.schedule.



Tested in a K3s cluster with local-path provisioner.

❯ helm -n com-linktohack-docker-on-compose upgrade --install sample link/stack -f test/docker-compose-dockersamples.yaml
Release "sample" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: sample
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Jan 14 18:38:42 2020
NAMESPACE: com-linktohack-docker-on-compose
STATUS: deployed

❯ kubectl get all -n com-linktohack-docker-on-compose                                                                                                                                                                                                     stack/git/master 
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/svclb-web-loadbalancer-tcp-hk9sb   1/1     Running   0          2m2s
pod/web-57bbd888fb-dvqxj               1/1     Running   0          2m2s
pod/db-769769498d-6zqx8                1/1     Running   0          2m2s
pod/words-6465f956d-kmk9c              1/1     Running   0          2m2s
pod/words-6465f956d-sw9t2              1/1     Running   0          2m2s
pod/words-6465f956d-vchlm              1/1     Running   0          2m2s
pod/words-6465f956d-l9lnd              1/1     Running   0          2m2s
pod/words-6465f956d-2lsbz              1/1     Running   0          2m2s

NAME                           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)           AGE
service/web-loadbalancer-tcp   LoadBalancer   33000:31908/TCP   2m4s

NAME                                        DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR   AGE
daemonset.apps/svclb-web-loadbalancer-tcp   1         1         1       1            1           <none>          2m4s

NAME                    READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/web     1/1     1            1           2m4s
deployment.apps/db      1/1     1            1           2m4s
deployment.apps/words   5/5     5            5           2m4s

NAME                              DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/web-57bbd888fb    1         1         1       2m4s
replicaset.apps/db-769769498d     1         1         1       2m4s
replicaset.apps/words-6465f956d   5         5         5       2m4s

More complex examples

Please see below.

Extra keys

These keys are either not existed in docker-compose format or have the meaning changed. They're should be set via --set or second values.yaml.

  • Services
    • services.XXX.kind (string, overrides automatic kind detection: Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet)
    • services.XXX.imagePullSecrets (string, name of the secret)
    • services.XXX.imagePullPolicy (string)
    • services.XXX.serviceAccountName (string)
    • services.XXX.expose (array, ports to be exposed for other services via ClusterIP)
    • services.XXX.ports (array, ports to be exposed via LoadBalancer)
    • services.XXX.nodePorts (ports to be exposed as NodePort)
    • services.XXX.containers (array, same spec as services.XXX, additional containers to run in the same Pod)
    • services.XXX.initContainers (array, same spec as services.XXX.containers, populates pod.spec.initContainers)
    • services.XXX.volumes[].subPath (string, subPath support)
  • Volumes
    • volumes.XXX.storage (string, default 1Gi for dynamic provisioner)
    • volumes.XXX.subPath (string, use services.XXX.volumes long syntax with extra key subPath if you want multiple subPaths
  • Config
    • config.XXX.file (string | null, required by swarm, can be set to null to mount config as a directory)
    • config.XXX.data (string)
  • Secret
    • secrets.XXX.file (string | null, required by swarm, can be set to null to mount secret as a directory)
    • secrets.XXX.data (string)
    • secrets.XXX.stringData (string)
  • Scheduling:
    • deploy.placement.tolerations (string[], see kubectl taint -h for syntax)
  • Top levels
    • chdir (string, required in case of rusing relative paths in volumes)
    • Raw (array, manifests that should be deployed as is)

Advance: Full override

Raw property allows us to deploy arbitrary manifests, but most of time, there is a better way.

The properties of the manifests can be overridden (merged) with the values from services.XXX.Kind and volumes.XXX.Kind...

You will now have full control of the output manifests. While this is a deep merge operation, the item in the list will be also merged if existed, new items will be also inserted.

The full list of all the Kinds can be found in the listing below, please note that services.XXX.imagePullPolicy, volumes.XXX.storage, configs.XXX.data secrets.XXX.stringData are already recognized as extra keys.

    ClusterIP: {}
    NodePort: {}
      tcp: {}
      upd: {}
      default: {} # default segement
      seg1: {} # segment seg1
      default: {}
      seg: {} # segment seg1
              - name: override-name
                imagePullPolicy: Always # supported as an extra key already
        schedule: '*/1 * * * *' # mostly require
          storage: 10Gi # supported as an extra key already
        persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
            storage: 10Gi # supported as an extra key already
        hello.yaml: there
      stringData: ""


Golang template + Sprig are quite a pleasure to work as a full-feature language.


Blog post https://linktohack.com/posts/evaluate-options-to-migrate-from-swarm-to-k8s/

The same technique can be applied via a proper language instead of using a Helm template but why not standing on the shoulders of giant(s). By using Helm (the de facto package manager) we're having the ability rollback and so on... for free.

Other works


  • More traefik headers
  • JSON schema of docker-compose and extra keys
  • More tests

More examples

Redmine + MySQL

This example contains almost all the possible configurations of this stack.

helm -n com-linktohack-redmine upgrade --install redmine link/stack -f test/docker-compose-redmine.yaml -f test/docker-compose-redmine-override.yaml \
    --set services.db.expose={3306:3306} \
    --set services.db.ports={3306:3306} \
    --set services.db.deploy.placement.constraints={node.role==manager} \
    --set services.redmine.deploy.placement.constraints={node.role==manager} \
    --set chdir=/stack --debug --dry-run
  • services.XXX.ports will be exposed as LoadBalancer (if needed)
  • Additional key services.XXX.expose will be exposed as ClusterIP ports

Traefik ingress

helm -n kube-system upgrade --install traefik link/stack -f test/docker-compose-traefik.yml -f test/docker-compose-traefik-override.yml

Kubernetes dashboard (with basic auth and skip login)

  • Create kubernetes-dashboard service account
  • Bind it with cluster-admin role
helm -n kubernetes-dashboard upgrade --install dashboard link/stack -f test/docker-compose-kubernetes-dashboard.yml 

Via template

helm -n com-linktohack-redmine template redmine link/stack -f test/docker-compose-redmine.yaml -f test/docker-compose-redmine-override.yaml \
    --set services.db.expose={3306:3306} \
    --set services.db.ports={3306:3306} \
    --set services.db.deploy.placement.constraints={node.role==manager} \
    --set services.redmine.deploy.placement.constraints={node.role==manager} \
    --set chdir=/stack --debug > test/docker-compose-redmine.manifest.yaml
kubectl -n com-linktohack-redmine apply -f test/docker-compose-redmine.manifest.yaml


  • v1.25.0: CronJob: Updade apiVersion to v1 (require k8s v1.25)
  • v1.22.0: Ingress: Update apiVersion to v1 (require k8s v1.22)
  • v1.18.1: Update Ingress's apiVersion to networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
  • v1.18.0: Support k8s version between 1.18 and 1.21
    • Support ingressClassName
  • v1.16.0: Starting from this version, we follow k8s's versioning scheme so that 1.16.x series supports k8s version is between 1.16 and 1.21
    • Add tests, require https://pypi.org/project/yq/. More test are welcome
    • Add more nginx annotations
    • Fix missing chidir + constraints quotation
  • v1.9.3: fix tolerations.
  • v1.9.2:
    • Fix traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefixStrip behavior for ingress-nginx.
    • Add PathPrefix support for ingress-nginx.
  • v1.9.1: support deploy.placement.tolerations using kubectl taint style.
  • v1.9.0:
    • Support docker-compose style resources requests/limits via services.XXX.deploy.resources.
    • Add support for extra key initContainers.
    • Support Kubernetes Pod hostNetwork: true via docker-compose' network_mode: host.
    • Add support for docker-compose's long-syntax volumes mount.
    • Add support for volumes/secrets/config subPath mount.
    • Fix: StatefulSet should now honor volumes with external: true (not create a volumeClaimTemplate).
  • v1.8.6 Support extra containers key, with mergeDeepOvewrite
  • v1.7.0 Support Job & CronJob
  • v1.6.0 Allow to mount static path to StatefulSet.
  • v1.5.0 Support CertManager
  • v1.4.0 with Raw property
  • v1.3.7 Support port range xxxx-yyyy:zzzz-tttt/udp
