
Error during installation

johgoe opened this issue · 3 comments

I got an error during installation on a Kyma 1.24.1

seems like the sh.ory.oathkeeper.v1alpha1.Rule.spec helm charts of compass are not fit the crds. The kyma cluster without compass works fine.

2021/07/31 18:05:53 Processing Kyma components
2021/07/31 18:05:53 ---------------------------
2021/07/31 18:05:53 install component compass
2021/07/31 18:05:53 ---------------------------
2021/07/31 18:05:53 Get Kyma Sources
2021/07/31 18:05:53 Kyma sources available locally.
2021/07/31 18:05:53 Get Kyma Sources...DONE
2021/07/31 18:05:54 Step error:  Details: Helm installation of release "compass" failed: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: error validating "": error validating data: ValidationError(Rule.spec): unknown field "description" in sh.ory.oathkeeper.v1alpha1.Rule.spec

Hello, we currently support Kyma v1.21.2, but we have planned to update to v1.24 around mid of September.
Kyma 1.24 comes with updated Ory Oathkeeper version, and we have to adapt our Rules accordingly.

Hello, we already adapted our Rules as part of upgrading Kyma to version 1.23.1. Changes can be seen here

The issue is fixed after we upgraded Kyma to version 1.24.8