This is a repository for mariusschulz/ExtraLINQ that is easy to use with UnityPackageManager.
"com.mariusschulz.extralinq": ""
ExtraLINQ provides a set of extension methods for various .NET sequence types.
ExtraLINQ is available as a NuGet package:
Install-Package ExtraLINQ
Extensions for collections of type IEnumerable<T>
Extensions for collections of type NameValueCollection
Splits the given sequence into chunks of the given size. If the sequence length isn't evenly divisible by the chunk size, the last chunk will contain all remaining elements.
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
int[][] chunks = numbers.Chunk(3).ToArray();
// chunks = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7]]
Turns a finite sequence into a circular one, or equivalently, repeats the original sequence indefinitely.
int[] bits = { 0, 1 };
int[] alternatingBits = bits.Cycle().Take(5).ToArray();
// alternatingBits = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0]
Returns distinct elements from the given sequence using the default equality comparer to compare projected values.
string[] spellingsOfJavaScript = { "JavaScript", "Javascript", "javascript" };
string[] distinctSpellings = spellingsOfJavaScript
.Distinct(n => n.ToLower())
// distinctSpellings = ["JavaScript"]
Passes every element of the sequence to the specified action and returns it afterwards.
string[] ringInscriptionLines =
"One Ring to rule them all",
"One Ring to find them",
"One Ring to bring them all",
"and in the darkness bind them"
// Console output:
// One Ring to rule them all
// One Ring to find them
// One Ring to bring them all
// and in the darkness bind them
Returns a flattened sequence that contains the concatenation of all the nested sequences' elements.
int[][] numbers =
new[] { 1, 2, 3 },
new[] { 4, 5 },
new[] { 6 }
int[] flattenedNumbers = numbers.Flatten().ToArray();
// flattenedNumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Determines whether a collection contains at least a certain number of items.
string[] theThreeRings = { "Narya", "Nenya", "Vilya" };
theThreeRings.HasAtLeast(0) // true
theThreeRings.HasAtLeast(2) // true
theThreeRings.HasAtLeast(4) // false
Optionally, a predicate can be passed that is called for every element:
string[] theThreeRings = { "Narya", "Nenya", "Vilya" };
theThreeRings.HasAtLeast(2, ring => ring.StartsWith("N")) // true
theThreeRings.HasAtLeast(3, ring => ring.StartsWith("N")) // false
Determines whether a collection contains at most a certain number of items.
string[] theThreeRings = { "Narya", "Nenya", "Vilya" };
theThreeRings.HasAtMost(2) // false
theThreeRings.HasAtMost(3) // true
theThreeRings.HasAtMost(4) // true
Optionally, a predicate can be passed that is called for every element:
string[] theThreeRings = { "Narya", "Nenya", "Vilya" };
theThreeRings.HasAtMost(1, ring => ring.StartsWith("N")) // false
theThreeRings.HasAtMost(2, ring => ring.StartsWith("N")) // true
Determines whether a collection contains exactly a given number of items.
string[] theThreeRings = { "Narya", "Nenya", "Vilya" };
theThreeRings.HasExactly(2) // false
theThreeRings.HasExactly(3) // true
theThreeRings.HasExactly(4) // false
Optionally, a predicate can be passed that is called for every element:
string[] theThreeRings = { "Narya", "Nenya", "Vilya" };
theThreeRings.HasExactly(1, ring => ring.StartsWith("N")) // false
theThreeRings.HasExactly(1, ring => ring.StartsWith("V")) // true
theThreeRings.HasExactly(2, ring => ring.StartsWith("N")) // true
Returns all elements of the collection separated by the given separator.
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int[] separatedNumbers = numbers.Intersperse(0).ToArray();
// separatedNumbers = [1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 5]
Determines whether a collection is empty.
new int[0].IsEmpty() // true
new[] { 1, 2, 3 }.IsEmpty() // false
Determines whether a collection is null or empty.
(null as int[]).IsNullOrEmpty() // true
new int[0].IsNullOrEmpty() // true
new[] { 1, 2, 3 }.IsNullOrEmpty() // false
Concatenates all items of a sequence using the specified separator between each item.
string[] nameParts = { "The", "One", "Ring" };
string ringName = nameParts
.Select(part => part.ToUpper())
.JoinedBy(" ");
// ringName = "THE ONE RING"
Note that the main purpose of JoinedBy
is to provide a chainable wrapper around String.Join
Determines whether a collection doesn't contain any elements matching certain criteria.
string[] theThreeRings = { "Narya", "Nenya", "Vilya" };
bool allRingsNamed = theThreeRings.None(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace);
// allRingsNamed = true
The None
method is equivalent to a negated version of Any
Uses the given predicate to partition the given sequence into two sequences, one with all the matches and one with all the mismatches.
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var partitionedNumbers = numbers.Partition(n => n % 2 == 0);
// partitionedNumbers.Matches = [2, 4]
// partitionedNumbers.Mismatches = [1, 3, 5]
Returns a given number of random elements from a collection.
int[] numbers = Enumerable.Range(1, 49).ToArray();
int[] lottoNumbers = numbers
.OrderBy(n => n)
// e.g. lottoNumbers = [5, 19, 20, 27, 38, 41]
Repeats a given sequence a given number of times.
string[] eatingSounds = { "om", "nom", "nom" };
string[] cookieMonsterSounds = eatingSounds.Repeat(3).ToArray();
// cookieMonsterSounds = ["om", "nom", "nom", "om", "nom", "nom", "om", "nom", "nom"]
Rotate Left
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int[] rotatedNumbers = numbers.RotateLeft(2).ToArray();
// rotatedNumbers = [3, 4, 5, 1, 2]
Rotate Right
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int[] rotatedNumbers = numbers.RotateRight(1).ToArray();
// rotatedNumbers = [5, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Enumerates the specified input sequence and returns a new sequence which contains all input elements in random order.
string[] hobbits = { "Frodo", "Sam", "Merry", "Pippin" };
string[] shuffledHobbits = hobbits.Shuffle().ToArray();
// e.g. shuffledHobbits = ["Sam", "Pippin", "Frodo", "Merry"]
Iterates over the given sequence and repeatedly returns a specified number of elements before skipping a specified number of elements.
string[] fellowship =
string[] everyOtherFellow = fellowship.TakeSkip(1, 1).ToArray();
// everyOtherFellow = ["Frodo", "Merry", "Aragorn", "Gimli", "Gandalf"]
Creates a HashSet
from a given sequence.
string gollumsUtterings = "Nasty hobbitses, gollum, gollum!";
HashSet<string> gollumsVocabulary = gollumsUtterings
.Split(new[] { ' ', ',', '!' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
// gollumsVocabulary = ["Nasty", "hobbitses", "gollum"]
Note that the main purpose of ToHashSet
is to provide a chainable wrapper around the HashSet
Instead of FirstOrDefault for structures like ValueTuple.
if (items.TryGetFirst(x => x.Value == 5, out var target))
Instead of LastOrDefault for structures like ValueTuple.
if (items.TryGetLast(x => x.Value == 5, out var target))
Filters a sequence of values based on a given predicate and returns those values that don't match the predicate.
string[] theThreeRings = { "Narya", "Nenya", "Vilya" };
Func<string, bool> startsWithN = value => value.StartsWith("N");
string vilya = theThreeRings.WhereNot(startsWithN).Single();
// vilya = "Vilya"
Return with index.
string[] hobbits = { "Frodo", "Sam", "Merry", "Pippin" };
string[] hobbitsWithIndex = hobbits.WithIndex().ToArray();
// hobbitsWithIndex = [("Frodo", 0), ("Sam", 1), ("Merry", 2), ("Pippin", 3)]
Returns the specified collection without the specified items.
string[] hobbits = { "Frodo", "Sam", "Merry", "Pippin" };
string[] mainHobbits = hobbits.Without("Merry", "Pippin").ToArray();
// mainHobbits = ["Frodo", "Sam"]
Returns a new dictionary from the specified collection.
var ringBearers = new NameValueCollection
{ "Nenya", "Galadriel" },
{ "Narya", "Gandalf" },
{ "Vilya", "Elrond" }
Dictionary<string, string> ringBearersDictionary = ringBearers.ToDictionary();
Enumerates the specified collection as a sequence of key-value pairs.
var ringBearers = new NameValueCollection
{ "Nenya", "Galadriel" },
{ "Narya", "Gandalf" },
{ "Vilya", "Elrond" }
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> ringBearersKeyValuePairs = ringBearers.ToKeyValuePairs();