
JSTorrent helper context menu doesn't appear on links

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hmm, the link doesn't "look" like a .torrent file. The response has the header: content-disposition:inline; filename="filename.torrent"

Are you not able to click on the .torrent file in the downloads bar and have it launch JSTorrent that way?

There is not much I can do, except intercepting all HTTP request headers, which would be a bit of a performance and potentially a sensitive privacy issue...

Not able to associate .torrent to JSTorrent there's no visible/obvious setting to do so.

Which OS?

Windows 7 x86

I was able to associate .torrent extension to JSTorrent on windows 8. Not sure how I did it though ... :-\

I could possibly do this with webRequest API... maybe without a too big of a performance penalty. Not sure if it's worth it