
Set of tools to perform the validation of the Delphes PhaseII fast simulation against the CMS FullSim

Primary LanguageC++


Set of tools to perform the validation of the Delphes PhaseII fast simulation against the CMS FullSim


cmsrel CMSSW_9_3_2
cd CMSSW_9_3_2/src/
git clone https://github.com/l-cadamuro/DelphesValidation

List of executables

  • matchJetToGen.cpp : make a TTree with the reco and gen jets to compute the resolution / response / etc. Set Delphes/FullSim, PU and input from cmd line.
  • makePlots.cpp : produce an output with all the plots of the validation. Set Delphes/FullSim, PU and input from cmd line.
  • compare.cpp : just fills a single histogram for Delphes and FullSim (useful for quick comparisons / developments)

List of macros and scripts

  • makeComparison.py : make a pdf output of a variable (configure from cmd line)
  • makeAllPlots.sh : create the pdf output of many variables (calls makeComparison.py)
  • quickJetScaleComp.py : quick script to compare two variables (configure name, cut and histo inside the script)
  • make_jecs.py : derive the jet energy scale and resolution in pt/eta/flavour bins using pandas
  • draw_jec_maps.py : draw the JEC/JER maps produced from the previous code