
Second NetBeez coding challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Code Challenge #2

Prerequisites: node.js & npm Versions used: Node: v11.6.0 NPM: 6.5.0-next.0

Installation instructions: https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm

Checking npm and Node.js versions: node -v npm -v

After setting up npm and Node.js, navigate to the IoBeez project directory. In that directory (with package.json) run: npm start

This will run: nodeman server.js

You should then see the application serving on port 1337 You can view the "dashboard.html" frontend by navigating to:


The data generation might take a second to start, but you should soon see the charts scrolling in from the right. I used d3.js and cubism.v1.js, as well as websockets for streaming data to the application. This is just a rough outline of the visualization. Unfortunately I'm packing up for the move to Pittsburgh; but I would have liked to include some icons each different data type. Additionally, I think it'd be interesting to embed the data in a floor plan to reflect different temperatures or motion activations within disparate rooms.