
A TCP server framework written in Erlang

Primary LanguageErlang


Build Status

What is it?

It's a TCP server framework written in Erlang. It mimics some web frameworks, featuring middleware etc.

What's so cool about it?

  1. TCP streams are packed into messages for you. You can focus on processing network messages, and leave the receive & send & other messy socket stuff to the framework.

  2. It works in a one-erlang-process-per-client style, maximizing throughput and concurrency, yet communication between processes is still easy.

  3. It elaboratively supports a login stage for every connection. And the login stage is cleanly separated with normal network operations.

  4. It also has middleware support. You can easily transform your network messages, or serialize model objects, however you like, in the middleware, and keep your business code clean.

  5. The framework itself is dead simple.


In your Erlang node, make sure the application carthage is started, and then:

    carthage:start({LoginHandler, LoginOpts},
                   {ClientHandler, ClientOpts},
                   {Middlewares, Env},
                   ListenPort, NumAcceptors)
  • LoginHandler and ClientHandler: Your handler modules for login stage and normal operations, accordingly.

  • LoginOpts and ClientOpts: Configurations for your handler modules. Must be proplists.

  • Middlewares: List of middleware modules.

  • Env: Environment settings. Can be accessed by all handlers and middlewares. Must be proplists.

  • ListenPort: TCP port to listen on.

  • NumAcceptors: Size of the acceptor pool.

If the start function returned successfully, you'll have a running carthage instance.

For examples, see demo/*.erl.


The MIT License: http://l04m33.mit-license.org/