`Refactor Me!` It is necessary to provide a constant way to display the date and time of compilation of the QSP library.
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Sentry Issue: ANDROID-1J
RuntimeException: Must be called from the main thread
at org.qp.android.model.libQP.LibQpProxyImpl.runOnQspThread
at org.qp.android.model.libQP.LibQpProxyImpl.getCompiledDateTime
at org.qp.android.model.libQP.LibQpProxyImpl.lambda$runOnQspThread$0
at org.qp.android.model.libQP.LibQpProxyImpl.$r8$lambda$U8sU58XlFILArW_WeH290iVCylA
at org.qp.android.model.libQP.LibQpProxyImpl.lambda$start$1
(12 additional frame(s) were not displayed)